Lomita, CA, July 11, 2019 – After several years without it, one of Lomita’s latest start-ups in the business community is the Lomita Chamber of Commerce. The organization was launched in April this year after meeting with a small group of local businesses and City leaders in Lomita to get their input. “As a new organization, we have a unique opportunity to create a Chamber based on the
needs of Lomita businesses and tailor the Chamber’s programs to what the membership wants,” said Heidi Butzine, President/CEO.
Helping Lomita thrive and businesses prosper
The operational side of the Chamber is being led by Heidi Butzine and Erik Bowman, who also own an office-on-demand and shared workspace in Lomita. Last year, the couple invested in a property to bring a Wework-type concept to the community to help small business owners, entrepreneurs and start-ups in the area by offering flexible workspace, conference room rentals and business events at their location. “We’ve always lived in the South Bay, mostly Redondo Beach, but when we were looking for an opportunity to start our brick-and-mortar business, we rediscovered Lomita,” said Bowman.
Being a local doesn’t hurt either. Butzine’s family members have lived in Lomita going back to the fifties and she grew up and attended elementary through high school in Lomita. Said Butzine, “I look forward to getting to know more of our neighbors in the friendly city and we’re committed to bringing energy to help support businesses throughout Lomita.”
The Chamber has been ramping up over the past nine months and now has several founding members and local businesses that have joined. One of the Chamber’s first founding members includes South Bay Credit Union which opened a location right in the heart of Lomita last year. “We’re in support of the Chamber’s efforts and are proud to be a founding member,” said President/CEO Jennifer Oliver. Another founding member is Coastal Funeral Center, “I think what the two of them [Heidi and Erik] are doing is great and it speaks volumes of their character, work ethics, and their support for the city and community,” said Coastal representative Jennifer Olvera.
“We’re applying our experience in marketing, what we’ve learned from our service on other non-profit Boards and Chambers, and as business owners now having a brick and mortar location. We’re excited to serve a diverse group of members at the Chamber,” said Butzine.
Lomita has seen an upswing in new businesses and housing and the City has approved a plan to revitalize the downtown area. Mayor of Lomita Henry Sanchez said, “We’re at a pivotal time in the evolution of our City. We’re thrilled that Heidi and Erik are taking the lead.”
Lomita Councilmember and former Mayor, Mark Waronek said, “Lomita is a thriving business-friendly environment that could be a great place for all types of businesses and start-ups. It’s time for Lomita to have a Chamber of Commerce again.”
The Chamber is currently enrolling members and recruiting relevant and vested members with a stake in the community to fill remaining positions on its Board of Directors. For membership information, call (424) 378-7111 or visit www.lomitachamber.org.
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If you would like more information, please call Heidi Butzine at (424) 378-7111 ext. 201; heidi@lomitachamber.org or Erik Bowman (424) 378-7111 ext. 202; erik@lomitachamber.org.